Sunday, October 13, 2019

Week of October 14th

Students can start working on ST Math at home
Starting last Monday, students should have started reading for 30 mins at home. They should be logging in two steps. Please sign each 15 mins steps nightly
2.7h Draw conclusions based on the text
2.10c Use prewriting strategies to generate ideas before writing.
Word talk- “oi and “oy” sound
We will continue to work on writing complete sentences
Math:SOL 2.1c Compare two numbers between 0 and 999 represented with concrete objects, pictorially or symbolically, using the symbols (>, <, or =) and the words greater than, less than, or equal to.
2.17 Identify the equal symbol (=) as the symbol used to indicate that the values on either side are equal

Upcoming events:

10/14– No school: Goal-setting conferences with parents and students
10/15-10/18- Oparaji class to the YMCA for water safety lessons
10/17 – IWCS Pink-Out Day
10/21– Start of Bus Drivers Appreciation Week, the Fall Scholastic Book Fair, and CoGAT testing
10/25– Grand Lunch / 1:00 student dismissal for SHS Homecoming activities
Monday- read 30 mins and log in two steps

Tuesday- read 30 mins and log in two steps

Wednesday- read 30 mins and log in two steps

Thursday- read 30 mins and log in two steps

Friday- read 30 mins and log in two steps

Dates to remember:
·Due to the recently-announced early dismissal Oct. 25, Grand Lunch will be rescheduled.
·Mrs. Vukmanic is still collecting Styrofoam egg cartons and Mrs. Hall is collecting toilet paper tubes for hands-on student activities; feel free to drop these off in the office or hand these items to the ladies on the car loop.
·October is Bully Prevention Month and here’s what we have planned so far:
o   Oct. 23 is UPstander Day (Nationwide Unity Day) -- Students can come to school dressed as a UPstander (someone that stands up for others/a super hero)

o   Motivational Mondays -- Let’s combat the Monday Blahs by motivating each other by wearing motivational shirts every Monday to spread kindness and remind everyone how amazing they are.

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