
Discipline Plan
In order to foster a positive learning environment, students will learn and practice 5 expectations with accompanying gestures daily based on the Whole Brain Teaching Model:
1. Listen when your teacher is talking.
2. Follow directions quickly.
3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
4. Raise your hand to speak and stand.
5. Be safe, be kind, be honest.
This year we are trying something new. Students will be working towards earning monkey velcro pieces to put on their 5 frame for demonstrating G.R.E.A.T. & G.R.I.T.  Each day they will come in starting off the day with one piece and will have the chance to earn four more. Each piece is worth one penny. The students have the chance to earn up to one nickle each day. They will be able to use the money they've collected from the week to purchase something from the school store. 

You may start seeing letters in the agenda from the GREAT acronym above. If you see a G from Great is means your child demonstrated growth today, R is demonstrating respect, E is demonstrating empathy, A is demonstrating accountability, and T is demonstrating trustworthiness. After the holiday break, we will start using the GRIT acronym letters in the agenda. Feel free to ask your child what that letter represents and how they demonstrated that skill when they show you their agenda at night.

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