Saturday, September 8, 2018

Mrs.Oparaji’s Team
Please do not forget the people who lost their lives during 9-11- Wear Red, Blue, and White to show our Patriotism. Can we bring home the spirit stick from CAES?
Reading: SOLs: 2.3, 2.8c and 2.9, 2.12-  students will ask and answer questions to demonstrate an understanding of the text, referring explicitly to the text as a basis for the answers. 2) Establish rountines and relationships to sustain reading culture; we will also work on identifying and writing sentences; suffixes and prefixes
Social Studies: 2.10 The responsibilities of a good citizen: respecting and protecting the rights and property of others; taking part in the voting process when making classroom decisions; describing actions that can improve the school and community
Math: 2.2:  Skip Counting- The student will/count forward by twos, fives, and tens to 120, starting at various multiples of 2, 5, 10; b) count backward by tens 120 chart
Monday: Reading Log , complete 2 steps
Tuesday,: read 30 mins and complete 2 steps
Wednesday:read 30  mins and complete two steps
Thursday:read 30 mins and complete 2 steps
Friday: read 2 steps over t he weekend

Homework is subject to change
Items wanted still: recess balls!- If you can, please let me know that you can help out and send them in by Sept 15th. Again, thanks. 
Thanks so much for the treasure box items from the Cypress’ Family, smarties from the Nuttall’s family, binder clips and 4 cutie “smores” camping chairs for reading from the Rastatter’s family, and jump ropes from Mrs. Whitehead. The students will enjoy them all.

I am still completing leveling checks on all of my students to check if they regressed in reading or moved up. Please be patient with finding out your child’s reading level. 

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